"Ken Ham, co-founder of the Creation Museum, was recently shocked to learn that an atheist had placed pornographic images, extreme profanity and vile statements about Christianity on his Facebook page."
Another One News Now article this concerning the latest tactics of Atheists to attack the Christian faith. Others may disagree, but I am finding it hard to understand how we in America can talk about religious tolerance and yet say we are being offensive when mentioning the name of Jesus. My current Pastor has really shown me that we as Christians are not to sell our faith but to share it. What that means is, we are not to put others down for what they believe in, but if the opportunity is open, we should share our faith. With that being said, my problem with the Atheist community is that they are trying to silence the Christian community. Telling someone that they cannot share their faith is a violation of the first amendment to me, not the protection of it. My question for the Atheist is this, if you don't believe in God, then why you get offended if we mention God. If anything, if someone talks about something I don't believe in, I would dismiss it as silly and move forward.
more after the jump
What this tells me is that most (and I qualify this statement because I can't speak for all) Atheist that seek to silence us, truly do believe in God, and they are just in denial. Otherwise, why would they stoop to the level of slander as this man did in this article. Our church just finished missions week in which we celebrated our missionaries that are ministering in other nations. I ask that you pray for our missionaries in other countries because they face severe persecution. Some have been imprisoned, beaten, totured, forced to eat dung and drink urine, etc. These people have put their lives on the line for the sake of the Gospel. I encourage those reading this in America, to continue to share your faith and to be missionaries wherever you are. Our persecution is a little different here in America, but there have been cases of physical violence against Chrisitians right here in America as well. Jesus' command to us is in Matthew 28:19-20, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
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