Friday, May 6, 2011


I love this song by Flame featuring V. Rose and there is now an official video for it (yay).  We are going to be hearing a lot from these guys.  V. Rose just signed to Flame's label, Clear Sight Music, and should be dropping an album soon.  The first single, Oh My Ahh is a banger already. 

Anyway, this song takes me into to worship mode.  The video gives us a clear view of what running away from God can do.  The song teaches us that we are to surrender all to him.  After all, everything belongs to God anyway, so who are we to take what we have and try to run away from him.  I pray you peep the video and God speaks to you through it to surrender everything in you.  I have attached the lyrics after the jump.

Chorus: I'm never gonna run away, away from You/I open up my heart to You/ I'm Yours/ I'm

pulling out my flag/ and I, I surrender/ anchor of my ship/ You can hold me down/ I'm never

going to run/ No/ I'm never going to run.

Verse 1: I'm never going to run/ I am truly convinced/ that Your ways are better/ I'm not on

the fence/ who distributes joy/ who sets the soul free/ who can forgive sin/ who died for me/

yes its true that I've been captured by Your love/I've

been captured by Your grace/ I've been covered by

Your blood/I was lost but now I'm found/ yes its true

You hold me/Jesus here's my white flag/I surrender

right now


Verse 2: How can I run away/or go take a hiatus/

when the decedent of David has proven He is the

greatest/you see He mediates/He is the mediator/Now

I am so free/what a sweet savior

Verse 3: I found a real love/and He is my ransom/not

going to escape/I'm going to stay/I'm captured yeah/

but I'm so free/and I finally know that I'm where I'm

suppose to be/so I raise my hands/I get on my knees/

because there is nothing like the day the Spirit captured

me/and there is no one greater/I surrender I

don't need another savior/I'm never going to run

Bridge: My ship was a wreck/I couldn't pay the debt/

and I lost all my treasure/so I hit the deck/when I saw Your banner I knew I'd never run and

I'm staying forever/I'm never going to run/No

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