Friday, August 23, 2013

Tim Tebow's NFL Career A Success?

No I am not being sarcastic with this question. It's a legitimate question in that his career can be measured by something other than what happened on the football field. His influence is matchless among any other athlete. After two preseason games with the New England Patriots, he has looked awful so far. He was held out of the third preseason game. His roster spot appears to be very much in jeopardy unless he contributes at some other position. If he doesn't make the roster, his NFL career will be in jeopardy as well as it is not likely that he will be given another shot. Stranger things have happened with Tebow so I could be wrong. Despite his recent lack of success as an NFL QB, I still say his overall football career has been a success thus far and here is why:

1) His college career was outstanding. He is considered one of the greatest college football players of all time. He has a Heisman trophy and 2 national championships and numerous records. Unfortunately his game has not translated to the NFL besides the one great run he had in Denver.
2) He was drafted in the first round of the NFL draft. Despite the fact that most QBs with his playing style have struggled to even get drafted as a QB (see Eric Crouch), Tebow getting drafted in the first round was a miracle. What it did was force Denver to play him.
3) His awesome 2011 run with the Denver Broncos was one for the ages. Despite his critics and lack of traditional QB skills, he led the Broncos to a playoff spot and a first round victory against the Steelers. Who could forget the fact that in that game he passed for 316 yards averaging 31.6 yards per completion. Also the Neilson ratings for the game was 31.6. This of course invoked references to John 3:16. Also the receiver that caught the winning touchdown, Demarius Thomas, was born on Christmas Day.

Since that playoff victory, Tebow's career on the field has been dismal at best. Some his doing the rest due to the incompetence of the NY Jets staff but that is another story. I'll admit that many Tebow supporters can be over the top which leads to a lot of resentment toward him from others. However his success on the football field has led to a much greater success.

Before it was banned by the NCAA, Tebow wore patches under his eyes with the verse John 3:16 during the 2009 National Championship game. The verse became the most highly searched term on google within the next 24 hours with over 90 million searches. He once wore the same patches with the verse Proverbs 3:5-6 which generated another 3.43 million searches. I already referenced the Steeler playoff game above and the references to John 3:16. That verse once again became the top google search term after that game. I remember watching his next playoff game against the Patriots and I saw John 3:16 commercials during the game. Tebow's games were always among the highest rated games drawing millions upon millions of viewers. It was clear that Tebow understood his influence and used it to promote Christ as Lord.

So why was he successful? Jesus tells us in Matthew 28: 19-20 to go and make disciples of all nations. Well Tebow definitely has tried to do his part in that area. However, there is greater significance in the platform he was given. With the advancement in technology, it has become much easier to reach people with the gospel in different parts of the world. The NFL is a global phenomenon, seen all over the world weekly. With Tebow's games drawing such high ratings more people were impacted with the gospel. Matthew 24:14 states that the gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. In other words the return of our Savior for His people will not occur until everyone has heard the gospel. God clearly intended to reach people who probably have not heard the gospel through Tebow's success despite his lack of traditional NFL QB skills. it is that trait that made his run so mesmerizing. In other words God chose the weak to put the strong to shame (1 Corinthians 1:27) in the NFL and in the process created a true underdog story which reached millions for the gospel. God also thrust into the spotlight around this time an NBA player by the name of Jeremy Lin whose story, although not as celebrated and scrutinized, was very similar. Lastly, I hope people will stop with the God doesn't care about sports thing. God can care about whatever He wants, He made everything anyway (John 1:3), so who are we to say what He can and cannot care about.

The success of Tebow's career was not all in what he did on the field, but in being obedient in God's call on his life. I am sure his work for The Lord will not be done once his playing days are over. Regardless of the outcome, he had been a success I believe in God's eyes. He may never see his name in the NFL Hall of Fame, but it may very well be in the Hall of Faith.

The perfect soundtrack to this story is Sho Baraka's "Famous." Click on the link and enjoy and God bless!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


At my new job, whenever I bring up internet explorer the home page is  MSN always has article on the top of the page that interest me.  However, daily there is an article related to race, religion, and sexual orientation.  I am always compelled to read the the comments on the articles and what I quickly realize is how divided we are as a nation.  Many of those comments probably come from people we know personally but would never know they felt that way.  Some comments are thought provoking even if I don't agree others are hateful and mean (keyboard courage).  Reading them gives me a lot of mixed emotions and many times I feel compelled to comment.  However the internet filter here at the office won't allow me.  It's a good thing probably as it gives me time to really chew on what I read instead of making impulsive comments.  This article shares my thoughts on the articles in a broad sense after having time to chew on them. In relation to the topics of the articles, I am a Christian black male who is straight and married with two kids.  Based on that you (the reader) can probably surmise my opinions on the topics of race, religion and sexual orientation.  Your conclusions would probably be right as well.  Of those attributes that I have the most important to me is Christian and those that know me know that I am unashamed and always willing to share my faith.  The key word there is share, not force it, not point fingers, but discuss it in love.  To me the bible is absolute truth and anything that contradicts it is a lie.  Some would say that makes me dogmatic or brainwashed.  My belief in the bible doesn't mean I don't question it, but that I trust it as the inspired word of the living God.  So I draw my opinions on race and sexual orientation from the bible (others may have different interpretations of those subjects from the bible as well).  My prayer is that my thoughts always align with the bible and if I am wrong, I don't mind being corrected.

The issue I have with our nation now is that we cannot agree to disagree anymore.  If you don't believe what the other believes, it's a fight.  Some things are worth fighting for others are not.  I fear for our nation after reading these articles because people are being persecuted for their beliefs (Christian and non-Christian).  We as Christians are even participating in the persecutions in some instances.  As much as I would like to choose my side and fight, I decided to be the peace maker. Matthew 5:9 states blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.  I don't know what that looks like yet, but that's my stance.  Although emotionally I want to do differently, that's what I believe the spirit wants me to do.  How else can you be a peacemaker than to present the Prince of Peace?  So the same bible that I said I trust above, I will trust to help me be the peace maker.  This song by Da' Truth featuring Swoope I believe captures the spirit of what I am trying to say.  In the mean time pray for our nation.

2 Chronicles 7:14 - if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.