Friday, August 19, 2011

This Is the Life - Tedashii ft. Sho Baraka

Blogger Note:  If you don't have Tedashii's album Blacklight, you are missing out big time.

“Speaks of the joy in living for Christ even while we wait for the fullness of that day when Christ returns” – Lamar Gibbs from
That line is pretty much the description of this song.  There are people that live on two extremes:  one extreme is living in pain and misery looking forward to Heaven, and the other is living lawlessly not caring about the fate of your soul.  We as Christians are not to just wait for Heaven, but to live our lives to the fullest while we are here.  To fulfill His purpose for our lives so when we see Him in Heaven, He will say well done good and faithful servant.  This song conveys that we can live a joyful life in Christ while here.  Many people who are not saved feel that life in Christ is legalistic and no fun.  That cannot be further from the truth when we truly live in Him.  David expressed in Psalms 16:11 that in God’s presence there is fullness of joy.  David the psalmist was a worshipper and was able to get to the heart of God in which He would experience joy, and forgiveness.  Paul told us to seek the Lord and He will give us a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  I wrote an article called “Utopia” for my home church’s newsletter some years ago.  It was the first article I wrote and in it, I spoke about how everyone is looking for God whether they realize it or not.  My current Pastor echoed that sentiment in a sermon not too long ago.  Some people try to find God in possessions, money, alcohol, drugs, sex, etc.  What they find is temporary pleasure, but never permanent.  It is the ultimate trick of the enemy because we find ourselves going back to these very things to get that moment of pleasure once more.  Then we get tired of the same thing and graduate to even more lawless things.  People have gone broke, lost their families, and their lives chasing their “god.”  If they had of chased the one true God, they would have found a joy that would last.
(more after the jump)